Hannah Brigitta

Artist Statement

My works often delve into the complex nature of the human psyche, exploring its multifaceted aspects through words, sounds, colours and lighting. I use art as a medium of self-reflection and a process of healing. I start my project from inner wounds and delve into them based on research. I primarily work with literature and visual arts in the forms of contemporary conceptual art.

Artist Biography

Hannah Brigitta (b.2002) is an interdisciplinary artist from Jakarta, Indonesia. At the age of 15, she began her career as a literature ambassador under Abang None Buku Jakarta Utara. In 2019, she pursued a contemporary art study program at Gudskul Ekosistem. Hannah made her debut as an artist in early 2020. Her passion for both literature and visual arts has been a driving force in her artistic pursuits.

Style: Contemporary

Mediums: literature and installation

Helios Ávra

2020Round LED Installation
Diameter 60 cm
Helios Ávra is the first installation art by Hannah Brigitta. The name Helios Ávra taken from the Greek meaning of sun and aura. Which, both are part of the Greek mythological figures. Helios, the god of the sun. Ávra, the titan goddess of breezes and cool air in the morning. In Hannah’s eyes, the sun is portrayed as a blooming flower petal. The sun is the representative of the energy source in the human soul (mental). There are six colours (indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red) representing a human’s aura. Helios Ávra lives to represent the aura and balance of the soul of humans. Helios Ávra was invented by Hannah Brigitta after being analyzed with Dr Tb. Erwin Kusuma, SpKJ (K) (psychiatrist) and Tom Suhalim (aura expert). For about three months, she was ill without any diagnosis. One day, she had the opportunity to meet Dr Erwin who explained to her about the soul. Done an aura photo procedure with Mr Tom and the result showed that she tends to have a green aura (Humanist Indigo) with a red aura that sometimes appeared as the meaning of anger. Hannah’s aura inspired her to make Helios Ávra by telling us that we must have a balanced body, soul and spirit.

Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)

2021Mixed Media Installation.
244 cm x 122 cm
Name of group: MetamorfosisMembers:
  1. I Made Agus Wira Dharma
  2. I Made Prayoga
  3. ⁠I Putu Eka Suarsana
  4. ⁠Hannah Brigitta
  5. ⁠Rangga Putra Budi Pratama
  6. ⁠I Kadek Jedi Jayanatha
  7. ⁠Kadek Ayu Sely Sairam
  8. ⁠Sang Ayu Cintya Darma Putri
  9. ⁠Komang Erika Maharani
  10. ⁠Kadek Bagus Adi Setiawan
  11. ⁠Chykal Bagas Rohim
  12. ⁠Edward Immanuela Lodo Pe
  13. ⁠Putu Iga Widania
  14. ⁠I Gusti Ayu Ray Kenanga Mandala
  15. ⁠Fitriani Hamidah
  16. ⁠Ahmad Yuda
  17. ⁠Ni Kadek Ayu Widia Kristi
Story: This particular installation aims to depict the different emotions and personalities of individuals with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). As people with DID often have multiple personalities, we have utilized mediums such as one-way mirrors and tinted window films to evoke mixed emotions and characters. It functions like a conventional one-way mirror. Standing in front of each tinted one-way mirror should evoke different emotions and characters within you.

Wen's Secret Lab

2020Hannah's x-ray of her lungs & teeth, echocardiogram of Hannah's heart, Hannah's aura test result, erlenmeyer flask, pipette, lab coat, nitrile gloves, audio recording of Dr Tb. Erwin Kusuma, SpKJ (K), headphone, ping-pong balls and charcoal.Wen’s Secret Lab is the visualization of Efigenia Wen’s secret laboratory in The Lightworkers. Inside this laboratory is filled with the private journals that she hides from everyone. Besides, there are a few artefacts from the cyborgs produced by Exvalso, such as cyborg’s eyes, S.L.P.E. serum, and cyborg details. Wen’s Secret Lab exhibited a portrait of a young scientist who invented cyborgs in the future. There are three varieties of cyborgs: SVX1008, SDY2000, and SAZ500 which have their particular functions. Wen’s Secret Lab also serves you the characters’ description and the period of the episode. Which, these crucial features are not well explained in the novel.

To see more artworks or contact the artist, visit their links below

The Lightworkers

By Hannah Brigitta

85 pages
Publisher: Pustaka Kaji
ISBN: 978-602-5735-59-2
Editor: Rianto
Layout: Moch. Hasrul and M Haviz Maha
Cover: Wiratama
Language: Bahasa Indonesia

Kala itu, suasana pagi disambut dengan hujan yang begitu lebat dan terasa seakan-akan bumi sedang menangisi kehadirannya. Selama ini, dia hanya dapat melihat cahaya merah, bagaikan warna darah dan ragam suara yang entah dari mana asalnya. Sampai akhirnya, dia dapat melihat sisi-lain, yaitu cahaya putih yang begitu terang dan suara tangisan. Pada hari itulah, lahir seorang anak perempuan ya ng diberi nama Lisa Mahigawa.

Dilahirkan tanpa sambutan yang baik oleh dunia bukanlah sebuah halangan bagi Lisa untuk menjalani tugasnya selama dia berapa di bumi.

"Aku ada disini, karena aku diutus untuk mencari.”

Seiring berjalannya waktu, Lisa telah menemukan banyak rahasia dibalik kehidupan di bumi ini. Lisa pun menyadari bahwa dia terlahir berbeda dari manusia lainnya, yaitu terlahir sebagai seorang Indigo.

Selama Lisa hidup, dia memiliki lima pertanyaan yang selalu berputar dibenaknya. “Untuk apa aku hidup?” “Mengapa aku harus terlahir sebagai seorang Indigo?” “Apakah ada suatu tugas yang harus aku selesaikan?” “Mengapa Dia mengutus aku melakukan tugas ini?” “Apakah ini rasanya hidup?”

Lisa terus mencari dan mencari jawaban dari pertanyaan itu dengan mencari petunjuk dari pertanyaan itu sendiri. Pada akhirnya, Lisa menemukan sebuah lingkungan baru yang berisikan petunjuk untuk menjawab pertanyaannya selama ini.

Links to order the book: https://wa.me/6281387448515 (Wacil)

available in print and e-book

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