FREE for all Artists in Bali

Before you join, here's some things to know

Our FREE Artist Profiles are designed to be a simple, easily accessible page that has all of your vital artist information in one place… and they are FREE! If you are an Artist living and exhibiting in Bali then you are all welcome to join*.

The only thing you, the artist, needs to do is fill out our Artist Submission Form completely, and that is it! 

From that we will create your profile, do a Social Media Campaign for you, include you in our WA Community and look for every chance to help promote and expose you.

Everytime you are involved with an Event we will link your artist profile to the event and vice versa.

The only thing that we ask from you is that you help promote us to your other art friends, like our posts and spread the word… that’s it!

We welcome all artists

*Legally allowed to work in Indonesia

Things you need

But there’s more

If you also have a business (does not have to be art-related) or have your own Gallery or teach art or organise your own art events then let us know and we can help with that too. We want to help as much as we can. 


Artist Submission


Coming soon!!!

Coming soon!!!

Coming soon!!!

Coming soon!!!

Coming soon!!!

Coming soon!!!