Om Swastiastu & Welcome

Bali Art Guide. A home for Art in Bali

Selamat datang di Panduan Seni Bali. Rumah Seni di Bali

Our newest artists

Made Chandra


Deta Artista


We invite all artists, local and internationals ** to register with us today, FREE! 

Kami mengundang semua artis, lokal dan internasional** untuk mendaftar bersama kami hari ini!


Art Spaces

Art studios

Art Cafes

Art Classes

Art Supply Stores

Bali Art Guide endeavours to be the central resource for finding and connecting all aspects of the art scene in Bali. Whether you are a traditional artist, digital artist, gallery, art space or you are a supplier of Bali's best art materials, we want to know about you. 

Bali Art Guide berupaya menjadi sumber utama untuk menemukan dan menghubungkan seluruh aspek dunia seni di Bali. Apakah Anda seorang seniman tradisional, seniman digital, galeri, ruang seni atau Anda pemasok bahan seni terbaik Bali, kami ingin mengetahui tentang Anda

Artist Submit

Submit you Gallery or Art Space here

Submit your Event or Exhibition here

Submit your other art-related business here

*Conditions apply. 
All listings will be initially free of charge and obligation. Some types of listing will incur a charge starting at a date to be determined at the time of or after the official launch of the site.Bali Art Guide reserves the right to revoke any and all listings at any time without notice or explanation. See our Terms & Conditions for more information
** International (non-Indonesian citizens) artist must be legally allowed to work in Indonesia and/or have appropriate permits and/or representation in accordance with Indonesian Law. Bali Art Guide & PT Studio Austana Bali are not liable for any infringements and acts in trust that members are legally allowed to work/exhibit as an artist and/or other business entity in Indonesia.
*Ketentuan berlaku.
Semua listing pada awalnya bebas biaya dan kewajiban. Beberapa jenis listing akan dikenakan biaya mulai dari tanggal yang ditentukan pada saat atau setelah peluncuran resmi situs.Bali Art Guide berhak mencabut setiap dan semua listing kapan saja tanpa pemberitahuan atau penjelasan. Lihat Syarat & Ketentuan kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut

with Puhanayu

Art workshops for the soul!